Video Game Fables successfully straddles the line between classic and contemporary RPGs, and it integrates a few things much larger studios could learn from.

I went to Super Nintendo World's grand opening at Universal Studios Hollywood. It was crowded, chaotic, and... cheerful?

Before you ask, no, Bowser is not available for smooching at Super Nintendo World. Sorry.

Hi-Fi Rush, Tango Gameworks' surprise release, is a riot of rhythm and color.

I made more of an effort than Chris Pratt did for his so-called Mario voice, and I'm not afraid to say it.

Here's how to set up Apple Music on your Xbox Series S or X! Expect some growing pains.

What if the Victorian child actually liked the Dorito? What then?

This free-to-play card game has snap (wink, wink) decisions you can really marvel (nudge, nudge) at.