FFXIV: All of the Post-Game Quests in Endwalker

Head beyond the light on your journey to the Dawntrail.

As one of the biggest and most impressive MMOs on the market, FFXIV is a behemoth to tackle. With so much story content, it’s easy to lose track of what quests the MSQ has in store, even after the Endwalker expansion.

Make keeping track of the quests in FFXIV manageable with our quest log for the content following Endwalker. FFXIV Post-Endwalker Main Scenario Quests list chronicles every mission from Patch 6.1-6.5.

Related: FFXIV: All of the quests in Endwalker

FFXIV: Post-Endwalker Quest List

Players can find the complete Post-Endwalker Main Scenario Quests below: There are 47 missions in the Post-Endwalker quest line.

Quest TitleAreaLevel
Newfound AdventureThe Rising Stones90
Bountiful RuinsRevenant’s Toll90
Friends for the RoadThavnair90
Alzadaal’s LegacyThavnair90
A Brother’s GriefWeaver’s Warding90
Sharing the WealthRadz-at-Han90
Bridging the RiftRadz-at-Han90
Restricted ReadingOld Sharlayan90
Void TheoryThavnair90
A Satrap’s DutyWeaver’s Warding90
In Search of AzdajaRadz-at-Han90
Shadowed RemnantsHydromantic Terraces90
Where Everything BeginsCarcere IV90
Groping in the DarkTroia Keep90
Nowhere to RunZero’s Domain90
The Wind RisesZero’s Domain90
Return from the VoidZero’s Domain90
A World with Light and LifeRadz-at-Han90
Buried MemoryRadz-at-Han90
Once More unto the VoidRadz-at-Han90
A Cold ReunionRadz-at-Han90
Kindled SpiritGarlemald90
An Unforeseen BargainGarlemald90
King of the MountainGarlemald90
A Dragon’s ResolveLapis Manalis90
Paths BarredGarlemald90
Desires UntoldThavnair90
Gods Revel, Lands TrembleThavnair90
Currying FlavorRadz-At-Han90
Going HaamEstinien’s Chambers90
Like Fear to FlameOld Sharlayan90
The Fallen EmpireGarlemald90
Bonds of TrustGarlemald90
Lunar RendezvousGarlemald90
The Red Side of the MoonMare Lamentorum90
Abyssal DarkThe Red Moon90
The Dark ThroneMare Lamentorum90
Seeking the LightRadz-at-Han90
Appealing to the MassesThe Crystarium90
In Defiance of FateEulmore90
Back to ActionThe Crystarium90
Down in the DarkThe Red Moon90
Reunited at LastThe Red Moon90
Growing LightOld Sharlayan90
When One Door Closes. . . Radz-at-Han90
The Game is AfootOld Sharlayan90
The Coming DawnOld Sharlayan90

Can You Skip The Post-Endwalker MSQ?

How Long to Beat has the average runtime of Post-Endwalker at about 22 hours. If you want to skip Post-Endwalker content, you must wait until Dawntrail launches. After the new expansion drops, players can buy the Tales of Adventure: Endwalker item from the Final Fantasy XIV Online Store.

For more on Final Fantasy XIV, including new info on Dawntrail, stick with us at Press SPACE to Jump.

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Tai Hofmann
Tai Hofmann

Writing Lead and Editor for Press SPACE to Jump. My first memory is forcing my parents to play 50-round games of Mario Party on the N64. Now I love games on all platforms and hone in on new releases. Some of my favorite titles include Cuphead, Final Fantasy XIV, God of War, Persona 5, and Super Smash Bros.

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