FFXIV: Each of the All Saints’ Wake Rewards (2022)

Join in on Saints' Wake for some rare items!

Final Fantasy XIV keeps things lively with regular updates and events, regardless of the season. If you’re playing the popular MMO during October, you can join in on All Saints’ Wake, the Halloween event for FFXIV. This event comes around once a year, with rare rewards for everyone who participates!

If you’re curious about the 2022 offerings for the All Saints’ Wake event in FFXIV, you’re right where you need to be. Check the breakdown below to find out what glamours, emotes, and items are available.

Related: FFXIV shares big plans for fall events and updates

All FFXIV Saints’ Wake 2022 Items

FFXIV All Saints Wake Event glamour emote tabletop item
Image via Square Enix

The All Saints’ Wake: March of the Mischievous Costume Cortege event runs from October 19, 2022, to November 1, 2022. FFXIV players have under two weeks to earn the following items in the All Saints’ Wake Event. Click on the items’ images while scrolling to see their official Lodestone pages and more info. Once you finish the event, these items are yours to use, no matter what season it is in Eorzea.

ItemItem NameItem Type
FFXIV Wake Doctor Mask Saints WakeWake Doctor’s MaskClothing (Head)
FFXIV Wake Doctor white coat saints wakeWake Doctor’s White CoatClothing (Body)
FFXIV Wake Doctors rubber gloves Wake Doctor’s Rubber GlovesClothing (Hands)
FFXIV Wake Doctors Bottoms Saints WakeWake Doctor’s BottomsClothing (Legs)
FFXIV Wake Doctors shoes Saints WakeWake Doctor’s ShoesClothing (Feet)
FFXIV Eat Pumpkin Cookie EmoteEat Pumpkin CookieEmote
FFXIV Caged Wisp Tabletop item Saints WakeCaged WispTabletop Decoration
Info and Images via Square Enix

A Mad Masquerade Requirements

You’ll need to finish A Mad Masquerade, 2022’s All Saints’ Wake quest, to earn the above items. To join the limited-time event, speak to the Adventurer’s Guild Investigator in Old Gridania during the event period. Only characters level 15 and above can participate in this quest, so ensure you’re at the appropriate level before approaching him. Keep in mind that this NPC leaves Eorzea on November 1, 2022, at 7:59 AM PDT.

FFXIV All Saints Wake Quest location
Image via Square Enix

If you meet the requirements, head over, talk to the Elezen, and complete his tasks to wrap up 2022’s All Saint’s Wake Event and earn your rewards.

For more on FFXIV, stay tuned to Press SPACE to Jump!

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Tai Hofmann
Tai Hofmann

Writing Lead and Editor for Press SPACE to Jump. My first memory is forcing my parents to play 50-round games of Mario Party on the N64. Now I love games on all platforms and hone in on new releases. Some of my favorite titles include Cuphead, Final Fantasy XIV, God of War, Persona 5, and Super Smash Bros.

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