FFXIV: Each of the Hatching-Tide Rewards (2023)

The Tonberry rises again!

The FFXIV Spring event, Hatching-tide, is back in Eorzea! With a handful of exciting items to collect during the festivities, you won’t want to miss what’s on offer in 2023.

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All FFXIV Hatching-Tide Reward (2023)

FFXIV hatching tide 2023
Image via Square Enix

The 2023 event Hatching-tide: Eggy, Eggy, Stabby Fun! runs from Monday, March 27, 2023, at 1:00 AM until Monday, April 10, 2023, at 7:59 AM (PDT). Since the NPC that runs this event leaves so early on April 10, we suggest finishing the quest on April 9 at the latest. I’ll do it the day it launches, so I don’t forget about it. In 2023 players can earn the Tonberry Suit and cosplay as one of the scariest foes in Final Fantasy. There are also a few extra items to earn this year. Check the list below to see what’s on offer.

Tonberry Suit

ItemItem Type
Tonberry head ffxiv event
Tonberry Head
FFXIV tonberry body event
Tonberry Body
FFXIV tonberry hands event
Tonberry Hands
FFXIV tonberry culottes event shorts
Tonberry Culottes
FFXIV Tonberry boots events
Tonberry Boots
Info and images via Square Enix

Additional Hatching-tide Event Items

ItemItem Type
Frighten Emote
Hippity hoppity hatching tide
Hippity-hoppity Hatching-tide Advertisement
papaya demastered orchestrion roll
Pa-Paya Demastered Orchestrion Roll
Orchestrion Roll
Info and images via Square Enix

‘Get Along and Play Knife’ Requirements

To get the items listed here, you’ll need to finish this event quest, Get Along and Play Knife quest during the event. To start the mission, you must talk to Jihli Aliopoh in Old Gridania (X: 10.2, Y:9.4). To see where this festive friend resides, check the map here. To participate in the event, you’ll need to be at least level 15, so begin the mission on a class at this level or above. After you finish the quest, you’ll have your very own Tonberry suit, one that looks even more authentic on Lalafells (the best race in FFXIV).

Hatching tide get along and play knife ffxiv
Image via Square Enix

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Tai Hofmann
Tai Hofmann

Writing Lead and Editor for Press SPACE to Jump. My first memory is forcing my parents to play 50-round games of Mario Party on the N64. Now I love games on all platforms and hone in on new releases. Some of my favorite titles include Cuphead, Final Fantasy XIV, God of War, Persona 5, and Super Smash Bros.

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