FFXIV: How to get All of the Mounts in Dawntrail

Plenty of new mounts to hunt down on your journey through Tural.

FFXIV’s fifth expansion is finally out for players to enjoy. With a new continent, story, and content to explore, the Warriors of Light have plenty more to keep them busy outside Eorzea. If you enjoy collecting mounts in FFXIV, you’ve got a chunk of new collectibles to seek out in the vacation-centric expansion for the popular MMO.

Related: How to Get All of the Mounts in FFXIV

All New Mounts in FFXIV Dawntrail

Feature FFXIV new mounts dawntrail
Image via Square Enix

There are currently 13 mounts to find and collect in the Dawntrail expansion. Square Enix plans to add more throughout the coming content update. You can find out how to unlock the mounts through the table below.

MountUnlock requirements
FFXIV air wheeler mount dawntrail
Air-Wheeler A9
Purchase for 7,500,000 Gil in Solution Nine at the Nexus Arcade
FFXIV alpaca mount dawntrail
Complete the ‘Dawntrail‘ MSQ
FFXIV Dawntrail ark mount
Purchase FFXIV Dawntrail Collector’s Edition
FFXIV automatoise mount dawntrail
Purchase with 3,200 Sacks of Nuts from Ryubool Ja in Tuliyollal
FFXIV mehwapyarra
Purchase with 12 Ttokrrone Scales from Uah’shepya in Solution Nine
FFXIV mount mountain zu dawntrail
Mountain Zu
Purchase with 600 Points on the Mountain Dew Gaming Website
FFXIV oppressor mount
Reach level 25 during PvP Series 6
FFXIV outrunner mount
Unlock ‘A Life of Adventure VI
(Get all combat classes available in Dawntrail to level 100)
FFXIV rroneek mount
Purchase with 100 Rroneek Horn Tokens from the Splendor Vendor in Solution Nine
ffxiv dawntrail mount
Purchase with 500 Turali Bicolor Gemstone Vouchers from Edelina in Mor Dhona
FFXIV ullr mount dawntrail
Unlock ‘Dawnbright Hunter
(Slay 2,000 A-Rank Elite Marks and 1,000 S-Rank Elite marks in Dawntrail zones)
FFXIV wings of resolve mount
Wings of Resolve
Rare drop from ‘Everkeep (Extreme)
FFXIV wings of ruin mount
Wings of Ruin
Rare drop from ‘Worqor Lar Dor (Extreme)
Images via FFXIV Wiki

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Tai Hofmann
Tai Hofmann

Writing Lead and Editor for Press SPACE to Jump. My first memory is forcing my parents to play 50-round games of Mario Party on the N64. Now I love games on all platforms and hone in on new releases. Some of my favorite titles include Cuphead, Final Fantasy XIV, God of War, Persona 5, and Super Smash Bros.

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