Marvel Rivals: All Friendly and Enemy Ultimate Callouts

Keep the callouts clear for ultimates in Marvel Rivals.

Marvel Rivals has over 30 unique heroes and characters to battle across the multiverse. One of the most powerful tools in each character’s toolkit is their ultimate ability, which can turn the tide of any battle. Ensure you can keep friendly and enemy callouts apart and coordinate accordingly in any fight.

Related: Who You Should Main in Marvel Rivals if You Played Overwatch

Marvel Rivals Ulitmate Callouts

All the heroes’ ultimate callouts, friendly and enemy are listed below. Enemy ultimates are usually louder than friendly ones over coms.

HeroFriendly Ult CalloutEnemy Ult Callout
Rise, my friends!Born again!
rivals black pantherBast, grace us with victory!Tremble before Bast!
Black Widow from Marvel RivalsMind the exploding plasma.Plasma. . . Burst!
Marvel rivals captain AmericaTogether! To victory!ASSEMBLE!
Cloak and Dagger from Marvel RivalsCo-op time!Us against the world!
marvel rivals doctor strangeI unleash the Vishanti’s power!By the Eye of Agamoto!
We are Groot!I am Groot!
hawkeye marvel rivalsHere’s how you shoot!Whew! I never miss!
A feast for my crows!HEL UNLEASHED!
hulk marvel rivalsNow Hulk mad!HULK SMASH!
marvel rivals invisible womanShields up!DISAPPEAR!
Iron Fist from Marvel RivalsThe Dragon unleashed! (English)The Dragon Unleashed (Chinese)
iron man marvel rivalsPulse Charge: Fire!Maximum. . . Pulse!
Yummy, Yummy!NOM, NOM, NOM!
loki marvel rivalsBring on the chaos.Your powers are mine!
marvel rivals luna snowIt’s the grand finale!I am ready to put on a show!
magik marvel RivalsLimbo stands with you!BEHOLD! DARKCHILDE!
Marvel Rivals magnetoFor Mutantkind!FEAR MAGNETO!
Marvel Rivals MantisFriends! Gather ’round!We are undefeatable!
marvel rivals mr fantasticHa-ha! Problem solved!FANTASTIC! HA-HA! (laughs follow a bounce)
marvel rivals moon knightLeave them to Khonsu!THE MOON HAUNTS YOU!
marvel rivals namor*Higher pitched horn**Lower toned horn*
marvel rivals peni parkerSpider Mode!IT’S SPIDER TIME!
psylocke marvel rivalsWatch me soar!
Watch me soar! (Japanese)
Rocket Raccoon marvel rivalsHey team! Enjoy the amplifier!All right!
Scarlet witch marvel rivalsThe perfect. . . Hex! Ah!PURE. . . CHAOS!
You get a web, and you get a web, and you get a web!Don’t mess with The Amazing Spider-Man!
Image via Marvel RivalsMy friends are here!SQUIRREL STAMPEDE!
star lord marvel rivalsAll-right!LEGENDARY!
marvel rivals stormHurricane incoming!BEHOLD THE WRATH OF THE GODDESS!
punisher marvel rivalsI’m doing this my way!JUDGE! JURY! EXECUTIONER!
venom marvel rivalsWe hunger!WE ARE VENOM!
Winter Soldier marvel rivalsStand Down!
(Yells ‘AGAIN’ for each addition hit)
(Yells ‘AGAIN’ for each addition hit)
Wolverine from Marvel RivalsBerserker. . . Rage!*Feral Wolverine roars*

For more on Marvel Rivals, including our upcoming review, stay tuned to Press SPACE to Jump!

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Tai Hofmann
Tai Hofmann

Writing Lead and Editor for Press SPACE to Jump. My first memory is forcing my parents to play 50-round games of Mario Party on the N64. Now I love games on all platforms and hone in on new releases. Some of my favorite titles include Cuphead, Final Fantasy XIV, God of War, Persona 5, and Super Smash Bros.

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