Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Best Natures for Aipom and Aibipom

Have this ape give you an extra hand in battle.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s Teal Mask DLC reintroduces a horde of popular partner Pokemon to take along for the ride, like Aipom. If you want to add this adorable ape Pokemon to your team, you’ll want to know the best natures for both Aipom and Aibipom, its evolution.

Best Natures for Aipom and Aibipom

Pokemon aipom
Image via The Pokémon Company
Jolly+Speed/-Special Attack
Adamant+Speed/-Special Attack

Aipom is a quick Pokemon with an emphasis on physical Attack. We suggest going with Jolly nature to get the best partner possible, which bolsters the Speed stat for Aipom and Aibipom. Since these Pokemon don’t use Special Attack stats, the negative here won’t hurt them.

An alternative route for Aipom is the Adamant nature, which improves the Attack stat for this primate Pokemon. Like the Jolly nature, you’ll see a drop in the Special Attack stat, but that isn’t cause for concern.

Related: Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Best Natures for Shroodle and Grafaiai

Worst Natures for Aipom and Aibipom

aipom pokemon natures
Image via The Pokémon Company

While there are natures that help Aipom and Aibipom, there are also natures that make them less effective in battle. If your partner Pokemon has one of the natures below, we suggest swapping it out for another using a mint or catching another Aipom elsewhere.

Quiet+Special Attack/-Speed
Modest+Special Attack/-Attack

Because Aipom needs the Speed and Attack stats, any nature that takes away from those is unfavorable. This is especially true if that nature gives a boon that won’t help this three-handed Pokemon. The worst options for Aipom and Aibipom are the Quiet and Modest natures.

Quiet nature lowers the Speed stat in exchange for Special Attack boosts, while Modest takes points from Attack for that same stat buff. It’s a poor tradeoff that won’t help your little ape ally.

For more on Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, stay tuned to Press SPACE to Jump!

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Tai Hofmann
Tai Hofmann

Writing Lead and Editor for Press SPACE to Jump. My first memory is forcing my parents to play 50-round games of Mario Party on the N64. Now I love games on all platforms and hone in on new releases. Some of my favorite titles include Cuphead, Final Fantasy XIV, God of War, Persona 5, and Super Smash Bros.

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