Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Best Natures for Fezandipiti

Take to the skies.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet‘s first expansion, The Teal Mask, introduces a handful of new creatures to catch and train. To get the most out of your ally, you’ll want to up its stats by pairing it with the best natures possible. Find out what works best for Fezandipiti, one of the new beasts of legend introduced in this exciting DLC.

Best Natures for Fezandipiti

Careful+Special Defense/-Special Attack
Jolly+Speed/- Special Attack

The two best stats for Fezandipiti are its Special Defense and Speed. You’ll need a nature that’ll compliment either of these stats to get the most out of this ally.

If you want to boost its most powerful stat, Special Defense, the Careful nature is your best bet, and it’ll help this Pokemon survive more hits from foes. Careful nature does lower Special Attack, but that won’t matter much to this physically attacking Pokemon.

If you’d rather balance out Fezandipiti by raising its second-best stat, Speed, you’ll want the Jolly nature. Like with its Careful nature, Jolly lowers the Special Attack stat of Pokemon.

Related: Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Best Natures for Miraidon

Worst Natures for Fezandipiti

Pokemon scarlet and violet fezandipiti
Image via The Pokémon Company

Just as there are natures that make Pokemon more powerful, some can weaken them. If you find your Fezandipiti has either of the natures listed here, we suggest changing its stats with a mint. Mints allow trainers to swap the natures of Pokemon, and their stats change to match that new nature.

Rash+Special Attack/-Special Defense
Quiet+Special Attack/-Speed

The two worst natures for Fezandipiti are Rash and Quiet. The Rash nature boosts Special Attack while lowering its key stat, Special Defense. Quiet nature, on the other hand, reduces Speed for the same boost. Because Fezandipiti does not use the Special Attack stat, any nature that gives that aspect stat points is a waste. You’d do well to steer clear of these options.

For more on Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, stay tuned to Press SPACE to Jump!

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Tai Hofmann
Tai Hofmann

Writing Lead and Editor for Press SPACE to Jump. My first memory is forcing my parents to play 50-round games of Mario Party on the N64. Now I love games on all platforms and hone in on new releases. Some of my favorite titles include Cuphead, Final Fantasy XIV, God of War, Persona 5, and Super Smash Bros.

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