Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Best Natures for Squawkabilly

That's one stylish bird.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet introduce dozens of new creatures for players to find, including a bird with a big pompadour, Squawkabilly. This bird can kick some tail with the right stats, which makes getting the best natures critical. Find out what makes this rockin’ bird a better fighter before you pick one to add to your team.

Related: Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Best Natures for Flamigo

Best Natures for Squawkabilly

Pokemon scarlet and violet squawkabilly best natures
Image via Pokemon Database
Adamant+Attack/-Special Attack
Jolly+Speed/-Special Attack

Squawkabilly isn’t the strongest fighter in the game, but it makes a great early-game attacker. You’ll want to focus on a physical Attack build with the Parrot Pokemon. The two best natures for this Pokemon boost Attack or Speed while lowering Special Attack. The Adamant nature raises the Attack stat and lowers Special Attack, but you’ll be fine because Squawkabilly doesn’t use that stat in fights. The Jolly nature improves Speed stats and gives this Pokemon a better shot at attacking first in a battle. Because the Attack stat is higher on Squawkabilly, we went with Jolly nature to outpace others and get a well-rounded fighter.

Worst Natures for Squawkabilly

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet best natures for squawkabilly
Screenshot by Tai Hofmann

When you’re building a Squawkabilly, there are several natures you want to avoid. We put the worst options for the big-haired bird below. If you find a Parrot Pokemon with a poor nature, we suggest looking for another ally or changing its nature with a mint. Players can find mints that swap natures at the Chansey Supply shop in Montenevera, but they aren’t cheap. You’ll need $20,000 for each, so stock up on cash when you can!

Modest+Special Attack/-Attack
Quiet+Special Attack/-Speed

Since the Special Attack stat is so poor on Squawkabilly, any nature that boosts that stat is unfavorable. This is even more so the case with options that take away from the Parrot Pokemon’s key stats: Attack and Speed. The Modest nature takes away from the Attack stat while giving the Special Attack stat a boon. This is the worst-case scenario for your bird buddy. The next choice, Quiet, is almost as bad, putting points into Special Attack and pulling those points from the Speed stat. You’ll go much slower in a fight, which could spell your aviary ally’s end.

For more on Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, stay tuned to Press SPACE to Jump!

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Tai Hofmann
Tai Hofmann

Writing Lead and Editor for Press SPACE to Jump. My first memory is forcing my parents to play 50-round games of Mario Party on the N64. Now I love games on all platforms and hone in on new releases. Some of my favorite titles include Cuphead, Final Fantasy XIV, God of War, Persona 5, and Super Smash Bros.

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