Overwatch 2 now has 25 million players—ten days in

That's a lot of heroes.

Overwatch 2’s launch may have been a rocky one, but that didn’t stop millions of users from rushing to try out the latest release from Blizzard Entertainment. The hero shooter drew 25 million unique users to the title in just ten days, a staggering number showing players’ interest in the Blizzard title.

Blizzard Entertainment confirmed the player count with a social media post on the Overwatch Twitter page. The team behind this release took time to thank players for downloading and trying their free-to-play debut, despite its problems.

The first ten days serve as a promising start for Overwatch 2. However, how the title goes forward hinges on how Blizzard can handle the issues players face.

Related: All the latest patch notes in Overwatch 2

While fans find the gameplay solid in Overwatch 2, the launch saw many issues, with many negatively impacted for over a week. To apologize for this poor launch, Overwatch plans to give players several rewards for their patience. Those who play the game from October 25 to the end of Season One will get two rare cosmetics added to their account. These items include the Cursed Captain Reaper Legendary skin.

Overwatch 2 Cursed Captain Reaper legendary DPS hallooween
Image via Blizzard Entertainment

Another reward, the Health Pack Weapon Charm, is a new type of cosmetic introduced alongside Overwatch 2. Each of the game’s heroes can equip this item to decorate their gear.

Overwatch 2 Health Pack Weapon Charm mercy weapon
Image via Blizzard Entertainment

Players can also expect a double XP weekend event in the coming weeks. Though the poor launch still miffs players, these offerings have sated some of the community’s rage. While Overwatch 2 may not be perfect, the title has great potential.

For more on Overwatch 2, stay tuned to Press SPACE to Jump!

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Tai Hofmann
Tai Hofmann

Writing Lead and Editor for Press SPACE to Jump. My first memory is forcing my parents to play 50-round games of Mario Party on the N64. Now I love games on all platforms and hone in on new releases. Some of my favorite titles include Cuphead, Final Fantasy XIV, God of War, Persona 5, and Super Smash Bros.

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