Patch 6.25 now coming to FFXIV on October 18

The latest chapter in FFXIV is on the way soon.

Patch 6.25 of Final Fantasy XIV is on the way! After a lengthy Letter from the Producer Live over at Square Enix, players have a definite date for the upcoming content expansion. While there are often updates for the MMO, these changes offer a new take on several of the game’s popular activities, with a few new ones showing up.

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FFXIV Patch 6.25 Info

FFXIV’s Patch 6.25 promises to add several new features for players to use from October 18. If you’re a regular player of FFXIV, you’re sure to enjoy the additions to the live service, including the following:

FFXIV Patch 6.25 update letter from the produces info
Image via Square Enix
  • More Hildibrand Adventure Quests
    • Join this NPC on several more missions. Players must have a level 90 job to participate.
  • Manderville Weapon Enhancement Quests
    • Improve the Manderville Weapons with a new strain of missions.
  • Another entry in the Tribal Quest catalog—Omicrons
    • New series of tribe quests using the Omicron race of machines from the Stormblood expansion of FFXIV.
  • Variant Dungeons: A new dungeon type in FFXIV
    • Level 90 dungeons with variable difficulty and no role restrictions. Up to four players can tackle these dungeons, with the enemy power changing depending on how many players are in the party.
  • Criterion Dungeons: Another new dungeon type for FFXIV.
    • While similar to Variant Dungeons, Criterion dungeons are more challenging with set roles: A healer, a tank, and two DPS party members. There are a limited number of revives, and resurrection abilities are disabled for the duration of these activities. Savage Criterion Dungeons offer no revives.

Each change has details in the Letter from the Producer Live on YouTube and Twitch earlier this week, with more information to come in the next few days. You can find the original YouTube video posted here.

For more on FFXIV, check out our other work on Press SPACE to Jump!

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Tai Hofmann
Tai Hofmann

Writing Lead and Editor for Press SPACE to Jump. My first memory is forcing my parents to play 50-round games of Mario Party on the N64. Now I love games on all platforms and hone in on new releases. Some of my favorite titles include Cuphead, Final Fantasy XIV, God of War, Persona 5, and Super Smash Bros.

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