How to manage your Final Fantasy XIV subscription

At least this subscription is one that's worthwhile.

Final Fantasy XIV is known for many favorable things such as a fantastic story or rich content. In spite of that, it is also known for something much less favorable. Setting up a subscription for the game is a confusing and tedious task, especially for those who have never done it. So, in an effort to explain the process, here is how you can manage your Final Fantasy XIV subscription.

How to set up a Final Fantasy XIV subscription

Setting up a subscription for something is typically a simple process. You log into the game or service, input your payment information, and are off to the races. Things are a little harder with a Final Fantasy XIV subscription. Follow the steps below to set up your subscription.

Setting up your subscription

  • Ensure that you have purchased a version of Final Fantasy XIV. You cannot set up a subscription without first buying the game even if you have been playing the Free Trial.
  • Head to the Final Fantasy XIV Store and click the red drop-down link to related sites at the top of the page.
  • From the options, navigate to the Mog Station site (you can also simply search Mog Station on Google).
Final Fantasy XIV Subscription - Mog Station
Screenshot by Mason Moses
  • Log in to the Mog Station with your Square Enix ID.
  • Once logged in you should see that you are able to access all of your service account information as well as additional services such as home world transfer and character rename.
  • Near the top of this page, you should see a section with the header Subscription Renewal.

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Final Fantasy XIV Subscription - Renew options
Screenshot by Mason Moses
  • This is where you can purchase your Final Fantasy XIV subscription either with a Credit Card/Crysta purchase or with a Game Time Card.
  • Once you complete the payment, your subscription will become active instantly.
  • If you are out of the 30 free days you get for buying the game, you will be unable to access the game until you perform the above steps and renew your subscription. The same goes for anytime your game time runs out.

Please note, that using a Credit Card to set up your subscription, will automatically turn on recurring payments. This means that your subscription will continue to remain active and charge you. Canceling your subscription will ensure that you do not automatically get charged at the next billing date.

How to cancel your FFXIV subscription

For whatever the reason may be, you might be looking to cancel your Final Fantasy XIV subscription. Maybe you are just taking a bit of a break from the game while waiting for the next major expansion, or maybe you’ve lost interest. Regardless of the why, we are here to talk about the how. Here are the steps to canceling your Final Fantasy XIV subscription.

  • To cancel our Final Fantasy XIV subscription, we will be heading back to the trusty FFXIV Store and then on to the Mog Station.
  • On the Home page of the Mog Station, select Service Account Status from the options on the left side of the page.

Related: What is the total cost of Final Fantasy XIV?

Final Fantasy XIV Subscription - Service Account Status
Screenshot by Mason Moses
  • This will pull up a page detailing all of the information pertaining to your service account and subscription.
  • On this page, you should see a gray button along the right side of the screen that says Cancel Subscription.
  • Clicking this button will take you through the process of canceling your subscription, and once you have completed it, you will see that your Subscription will now no longer have an estimated date of billing.
  • Now when your current subscription runs out you will not be charged again and your account will become inactive until it is renewed.

I will never understand why Square Enix will not allow you to manage your subscription directly in their launcher or in-game, but I digress. Managing your Final Fantasy XIV subscription isn’t actually too complicated once you get the hang of it. However, if you find yourself not needing to access this information very often, it can be easy to get lost. Luckily, we have this helpful guide you can refer back to when needed.

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Mason Moses
Mason Moses

My name is Mason! I am a 3D Artist and Writer that has been playing video games since I was old enough to hold a controller. I am naturally drawn to games with a strong narrative but can find just as much joy in the gameplay. You can find me either playing some popular MMOs or engaged in whatever story-driven titles pique my interest.

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